Monday, 10 January 2011

A busy start to the New Year - the opening of the internship scheme, Heythrop and careers advice!

Happy New year!
I thought I'd touch base with a round up blog before we plough ahead with the internship and 2011.

Apply for the internship
The internship is now open again for this upcoming September, all the details can be found on the CBCEW website. All our little pieces about how we are finding the scheme are there too, as well as the photos from the mini photo shoot we did before Christmas in the freezing cold Westminster Hall - I think I look rather worse for wear! There is also a video about the scheme on the site.

Careers coaching
As part of the internship, every intern can meet up with Elizabeth Warmsley from Praesta. The aim is to help us get a job by guiding us through the process, highlighting our skills to us and determining what we really want to do. Knowing already what that is - journalism - I went to Elizabeth last week to get some help on the 'how'. The meeting lasts a few hours and goes through every facet of your work and life you can think of. I found the whole think very intersting, intense and informative - in a good way! Now we have all met with Elizabeth we can chose to meet her again and pick her brains. This addition to the scheme is a great opportunity and benefit, especially since it's always been hard to get a job, and now it is becoming even harder.

Heythrop restarts
All of the interns are now back for the new year, and ready for work again. Our first Heythrop lecture in Ethical Issues Today is tonight - so my first week back at work is a rather long one! Most of us are studying Ethical Issues Today this term, so can start putting into practice some of the ethical theory from last term.

Bye for now - Jo-Anne

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