Monday, 13 December 2010

Life in Newman House

As we are drawing close to Christmas and we have been on the Catholic Parliamentary Internship Scheme for almost three months, it is a good time to give you a taste of life at Newman House.

The five of us on the London based internships live at Newman House, which is the Catholic chaplaincy centre for the students in Central London. Sixty-two students live there as well as the chaplain, Fr Peter Wilson and the Pastoral Associates, Chris and Kate.

The interns are fully integrated into life at Newman House. We take part in house duties which include singing and reading at mass, preparing coffee for after mass, cooking Sunday lunch, maintaining the blogs and serving behind the bar.

Andrew can often be found playing some tunes on the guitar or the piano and starting a spontaneous sing-a-long. You might find Danny arguing over some details of Conservative Party policy at the bar. Jo-Anne can often be found watching Corrie or Eastenders whilst simultaneously taking part in a theological debate with another member of the community. You will find Naomi, with a glass of wine in her hand, cooking dinner to share with hungry Newman House inmates. And Nick, if he isn't still at work, you will be sure to find him watching Question Time on a Thursday evening.

We are very fortunate to be living at Newman House and very grateful to everyone for making us feel so welcome.

Please join us at Mass which is at 10.30am every Sunday and talk to us at coffee after Mass if you would like to find out more about living at Newman House and the Catholic Parliamentary Internship Scheme.

Naomi Brandon
Public Affairs Intern at CESEW

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